Smoke Rise Neighborhood Watch

Smoke Rise Neighborhood Watch

The Smoke Rise Homeowner’s Association sponsors an active Neighborhood Watch (NW) program. The NW program is not a police force, but promotes neighborhood security by vigilance by it’s residents and other preventive measures.

There are two NW representatives for each sector in Smoke Rise. These representatives maintain telephone contact information for the residents in their sector. Residents are encouraged keep their eyes open for suspicious activity in their immediate neighborhoods, and report it to their NW representative as well as posting it on a “closed group” Facebook page. Although the primary method of communication for residents is the Facebook page, the NW representatives can also contact residents by telephone if necessary. The reports of suspicious activity are collected and channeled to the NW Chairman who works closely with the Blount County Sheriff’s Office to aid them in their investigations.

Many of the NW representatives routinely patrol their sectors looking for suspicious activity, fire, water main breaks, road hazards, lost dogs, etc.

The HOA provides special “Smoke Rise” stickers to any verified resident. The 2” diameter sticker has a red “S” on a white field, and is placed on the rear window of the vehicle. This sticker identifies vehicles of verified residents. Is that car that is creeping through the area a resident, a lost visitor, or a bad guy “casing” the neighborhood? The sticker will identify those that belong here. If you need a sticker for your car or truck, contact the NW representative for your sector, or the NW Chairman. The sticker is placed on the outside of the rear window, at the top left corner.

How Can You Help?

  • If you see a crime being committed – CALL 911! – report it, and follow their instructions. Take pictures if you can, get good descriptions, but do not put yourself in harm’s way to do so. Then, call your sector representative and give him the information. This information is being collected for crime tracking data.
  • Keep your eyes open for any suspicious activity – anything that just doesn’t look right around your neighborhood such as suspicious vehicles driving around, suspicious solicitation for work around your house, people walking the streets who don’t normally belong in a neighborhood, etc. – anything that doesn’t warrant a call to the police, but makes you feel uncomfortable. Report this to the sector representative. This information is collected and provided to Blount County authorities. Also, pertinent information will be posted on the Smoke Rise Homeowner’s Assn. Facebook page.

Committee Chair:
Christy Harris  205-516-5025