Current HOA Board Members

Current HOA Board Members

President – Barry Turner
Vice President – Tera Lee
Secretary – Dolores Fort
Treasurer – Edna Caudle
Historian – Joyce Kent

Committee Chairpersons:
Neighborhood Watch – Christy Harris
Community Events Committee – 
Architectural Control Committee – David Hunter
Blount County Liaison – Dolores Fort

Sector 1 – Dolores Fort, Barry Turner
Sector 2 – Erin Long, Joyce Kent
Sector 3 – Kayla Hollon
Sector 4 – Tera Lee, Christy Harris
Sector 5 – Denise Johnston, Robert Rice
Sector 6 – Edna Caudle

Sector 7 – open
Sector 9 – open
Sector 10 – open
Sector 12 – open
Scenic Woods – open

If you would like to contact your sector leader, PM them on the Smoke Rise Residents and HOA Facebook page, or email them at [email protected]